
Pop!Later is a Read It Later app that lives inside a notification


We've seen all sorts of interesting things done with webOS notifications, from persistent weather and stock information to pop-up mini news readers. But they were always basic and focused apps. But Science Apps, the webOS developers behind Starter and Lithium News, recently kicked things up a notch with the app-in-a-notification system with Pop!Later.

This new app is a Read It Later client that lives in a notification on your webOS smartphone or TouchPad. Not only can you use it to submit a copied URL, you can actually browse, read, and manage your saved articles all from within the notification. You might be asking yourself, "Why would I want this?" Essentially this lets you have two apps running at once on the same screen - Pop!Later providing the Read It Later view while whatever else you want - a movie, for example - takes up the rest of the screen.

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